General Practice Telephone and Telehealth (Video) appointments available
From Monday 16 March 2020 we are offering telehealth (video) and telephone appointments. We also have a dedicated clinic for patients who have symptoms of influenza or respiratory tract infections.
If you think you are at risk of having COVID-19, please take the Queensland Health questionnaire and follow the advice on the website.
COVID-19 Questionnaire & Advice
If you have a cold or flu like symptoms and you are not sure whether you should see a doctor or not, please phone (07) 4781 4495 for further advice.
For information about COVID-19 vaccines please click here.
Would you prefer a telephone or video consultation?
In order to reduce the risk of people being exposed to others who may have flu or a cold, there is the option of having a telephone or telehealth consultation.
Certain categories of people are eligible for a medicare rebated telephone or telehealth (video) consultation for any reason. These are:
- People who are at high risk of having been exposed to COVID-19 as per the Queensland Health guidelines;
- People aged over 70;
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 50;
- You are pregnant or have had a baby in the last 12 months;
- If you have a chronic health condition such as diabetes, heart disease or severe mental ill health;
- If you have any condition or on any medication that suppresses your immune system
If you do not fit any of these categories, you are still able to choose a telephone or video consult. This will incur a charge of $40 for a short appointment.
If you would like one of these appointments, please phone (07) 4781 4495, or book via our online booking system.